
Own less. Do more. Slow down. Be present. // Join the journey to live a life of purpose, minimalism and presence.

Minimalism: a trendy little word

Minimalism: a trendy little word

Through recent conversations, I’ve found that minimalism has become a “dirty” word, and the recent resurgence in the movement is being viewed as another hipster trend. To be honest, when most people hear the word ‘minimalism’ they imagine stark white walls, and they think it involves getting rid of their possessions and living in one of those tiny houses. And you know what? I thought that too.

But minimalism isn’t one size fits all. You don’t have to read a how-to guide and you don’t have to get rid of everything you own. It’s more about determining what “enough” looks like for you. The pleasant aftermath of decluttering is where I reap the greatest rewards for myself. The less physical items I own (and have to pick up, store and clean), the more mental free space I create, and the more focused I feel. For me, it’s not about proving to anyone that I can live with less, and it’s not about selling my lifestyle to family and friends.

What is it about? It’s finding my authentic self. It’s being the best version of me. It’s figuring out what I most value and what makes me happy in a world where we can easily get swept up in schedules, obligations and expectations.

The discovery of minimalism has been eye opening. Letting go of “stuff” has brought me an inner peace that helps me cope with a chaotic world. I have more good days than bad and it's brought enough joy that I feel compelled to share the benefits I’ve experienced with others. I guess it’s my way of giving back. I’m certainly not an expert on the subject, but my hope is that sharing my story helps me fully realize the vast reach of intentional living.

Thought for the day: Perhaps it’s less about minimalism and more about intentionalism.

Tidying for the last time

Tidying for the last time