
Own less. Do more. Slow down. Be present. // Join the journey to live a life of purpose, minimalism and presence.

Before you resolve, reflect on all you've already accomplished

Before you resolve, reflect on all you've already accomplished

My 3-year-old refers to pre-nap as yesterday and yesterday as last year, so I hardly expected her to remember all the adventures we had this last year when I asked her “what was your favorite thing we did this year?”

It is that very sentiment that I want to reflect on as we enter into a new year.

Before you resolve to do more or be better, reflect on all that you’ve already accomplished.

We’ve done a lot of great things together as a family this past year. We definitely made some great memories - even if my daughter doesn’t remember exactly when it happened. Some of the adventures that I’m grateful for in 2017 include: watching my daughter ski for the first time, visiting family in England and learning even more about my ancestry, strawberry picking on Mother's Day, and our summer trip to France and Germany.

It can feel like you haven’t accomplished much if you only focus on what you want to do in the future. So I’m encouraging myself - and you -  to be grateful and present. To reflect on all you have done already.

Pausing to reflect on 2017 gives me great joy, and I think it’s a wonderful way to enter 2018 - with a smile and a grateful heart.

Tidying for the last time

Tidying for the last time

The benefits of a simpler Christmas

The benefits of a simpler Christmas