
Own less. Do more. Slow down. Be present. // Join the journey to live a life of purpose, minimalism and presence.

Aegean Sea Art

Aegean Sea Art

Doors can have so many unique characteristics — color, shape, knocker, mail slot and cracks just to name a few. It’s hard not to photograph them or even make a photograph series. I don’t completely understand my obsession with doors. Perhaps it’s the blending of architecture and design, or maybe it’s the unique statement each one makes.

Photographs of Greece are easily recognized by their blue and white color palette.

This door was photographed on the island of Santorini.

This door was photographed on the island of Santorini.

This door in Mykonos looks as though it would open up to the sea.

This door in Mykonos looks as though it would open up to the sea.

Choose less to discover more

Choose less to discover more

Spain’s Spin on ‘Happy Hour’

Spain’s Spin on ‘Happy Hour’